Memory Clinic

Are you noticing changes to your memory?  The South East Toronto Family Health Team’s memory clinic provides early diagnosis and treatment for people experiencing problems with their memory, which can help patients maintain their independence and quality of life for as long as possible.

A team which consists of a physician, nurse, pharmacist, social worker and care navigator provides comprehensive care for patients who are experiencing memory loss, and their families. Together they work with you and your family so that you have a better understanding of your condition and to help plan your care.

When you are referred to the Memory Clinic, you will be seen by the team for a comprehensive assessment. The visit will last for approximately 2 hours. You are encouraged to bring your family member or someone who knows you well.

Clinics are held once a month. For further details and how you can be assessed, speak to your health care provider.

2nd Thursday of the month 9:00 am-12:00pm